Thursday, June 24, 2010

This will for sure make my nerves nuts!!

So as most of you know we moved to Nephi...well with fuel at $3 a gallon it is a bit expensive for Richard to drive 5 days a week!! sssssoooooooooooooo...... he bought a Honda motorcycle.. LOL.. it is a street legal dirt bike.. yep he drives it to and from Nephi.. I am a wreck worrying about him!!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Best Monday!

So I had the absolute best Monday yesterday!!! Parley got to come spend the day with me and it was so fun!!! I wore him clear out by laying outside looking at the sky, playing on the porch watching the kitties, laying on the floor rollin over, cuddling... yep I played with him all day!! I had a hard time letting him take a 20 minute little power nap cuz I just wanted to hold him!!!! He is so cute!! I wore his little cheekers out by kissing them.. Jess said they were so red cuz I had kissed kissed kissed them :) but he is so perfect!!! I love her boys!! I miss the time that christian just wanted to hang out with me.. now he is a busy body and I nearly have to capture him to kiss him.. but he is perfect too.. Anyway BEST MONDAY EVER!!!

Sunday, June 20, 2010


Okay so June 9, 2010 I was in SLC for an exercise that the Pediatric strike team participated in.. and guess who I met?? RON DELPINO!! I know you probably wondering WTH!?! Well let me tell you.. he was the flight RN and the day I crashed!! He is the one that made the turning point in me being here!!!!! I will never ever ever forget what he did for me!! I can not be more thankful!! I am so grateful for all who helped me that day!! I just thought this was stinkin cool!!


Happy Fathers day to the BEST dad anybody could have!!! I am so lucky to have him in my lfe.. but most of all to be MY DAD!!! I love him so much!! He is a hard worker and a great provider!! As a kid I remember hanging out with him and learning so much from him!! I only wish I could sit on his lap and tell him whats wrong like I used too.. He is an example to all.. I hope one day I can be half the person he is!! He is a fantastic grandpa to his grandsons!! His son in laws are so lucky to have him!! HAPPY FATHERS DAY DADDY!!! I LOVE YOU!!


Holy Moley!! It is June and that is nearly over!! I just can't believe all that has happened in one year!!! A year ago my sis and I was at odds :( that is one of the worst things in the whole world!! I love her clear to pieces and hate it when we dont get along.. A year ago my mom became unemployed.. that was a hard hard hard time for her!! A year ago I dont know how I ever functioned!! EVER!! A year ago life was just passing by me.. I did not seem to care either.. Unreal how much has happened and things have changed!! All I know is that I am so lucky to have a great man in my life that loves me and I love him so much!! I am lucky for Jackson.. I could not ask for a cuter kid.. He is the greatest thing to ever ever EVER happen to me!! I love him.. and I am so greatful for my family... My family has been through HELL and I dont know how they maintained up right!! I love em!!! I have started a new job at Salt Creek Cinemas.. I LOVE IT!!! I work with the most fun people!!! I love it!! Richard is still plugging away at CUCF.. Jackson is loving summer and all the time outside he can get!!! Life is still good and I thank god every day that I am alive!!