Friday, January 9, 2009

Jackson's turning 9

I can't even believe Jackson is turning 9. just today he said, "I will be half way to 18" yikes...I am a total boob about it too. He was born January 11, 2000 at Gunnison Hospital, Jackson was 5 weeks early and weighed in at 6lbs6oz.. and 19 inches long. He was life flighted by ground to Utah Valley where he spent the first two nights with his dad and my mom as I was stuck at the hospital after birth I got sick.. Jackson had an ET tube for 4 days and the gavage for 8 days. 10 days later we left UVRMC with our very own 5 lb bundle of joy. Jackson has been though a ton in his 9 years... He was attacked by 2 German shepherds, got his tonsils out and had complications after, has lymphadema, been in the hospital several times.. watched his mom have 2 brain tumors, lost a st. Bernard to poison.. lost 3 great grandparents and 1 grandma. Jackson is a great kid, very smart and so cute. He is the light of my life and I have no idea what I would ever do without him.... Tomorrow we are going sledding for his birthday party.. I love Jackson a ton.

1 comment:

Mandy said...

Wow! Time sure does fly! I feel the same with my daughter who will be turning 7 in March!